- Search ranking factors are broken into "on" and "off" page factors. Checklist of what your competitors are doing right or wrong as we dissect each on-page ranking factor.
On-Page Factors (20%-30% Ranking Score) | How to find out? |
Are there optimized, unique Title tags on every page with no more than 90 characters in the Title? |
Does the Body text contain at least 250 words per page? |
Are headings used H1/H2/H3 effectively? |
Are the internal links text based or Flash or Image based and do they contain the target keywords? Note:Image based links are the worst type of internal links you can use since the search engines can't read the text inside them. |
Are the keywords inserted in the file names, folder or the domain name? |
Are related keywords found in the Body text to increase the lexical correlation between keywords? |
Are the keyword repetition, proximity, and prominence appropriate in the Title and Body text? |
Are there ALT tag attributes in images and links? |
Is the page size and code to text ratio appropriate? |
Are the website pages search engine friendly with no frames in the body or session IDs in the URLs? |
Did the search engines index all the pages? |
Do the website main pages show recent updates? |
How many outgoing links can be found, and how closely related are they to the site? |
Is there a site map on the site? |
What is the top level domain of the site (.edu/.org/.com/.ca/.co.uk.etc)? |
"On-page" analysis example
- Open the Keyword Analyzer
- Enter the website address into the URL text box
- Click on the Get Links button to retrieve the internal links from the main page and pay careful attention to the website Title and URLs in the links display windows.
- Both page URLs and Title tags are both very important elements from an on-page optimization perspective.
- Every page has a unique Title tag. Don't make the mistake of putting the same Title tag on every page.
- Analyzing the competition's individual pages
- The keyword highlighting tool really helps to put the spot light on keyword placement and repetition within each HTML element.
- Google cuts the Title tag at approximately 60 characters and Yahoo! at 90, they have managed to place the most important keywords at the beginning of the Title.
- Analyzing your competitors' pages to build your keyword list
- SEO Studio can extract the most frequently used keywords from any web page easily and accurately.
Reference: http://www.trendmx.com/seo/step-2-competition-research.aspx
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